Simply put, a 'Djedi is a practitioner of the 'I Am' consciousness.
The 'I Am' is also known as our entelechy -- our core, untampered with vibration.
The term 'Dojo' can be translated to 'a place of The Way', or 'a place where enlightenment is gained'.
The Djedi Dojo practice martial arts in such a way that it becomes impossible to become violent in the presence of a Djedi Master.
Training in the Dojo:
Suitable candidates are Powerful People who are on their heroic journey and have encountered a 'Dark Night of the Soul'. Many Lightworkers, Healers, Teachers have emerged from similar trials.
The Dojo creates a 'Kintsugi Effect' that allows us to take what was broken in our lives and repair it with our 'I Am'; resulting in a healing vessel that is more valuable than that which was never broken.
In the Djedi Dojo, our wounds become our medicine, our 'golden antennae' (light saber) that allows us to connect intimately with others and engage potently in raising the vibration of the world and bringing humanity back into balance.
The World Needs Your Medicine. Enter the Dojo.
Join a Circle of Masters, Students and Seekers in a mutually supportive atmosphere.
Explore 'I Am' Consciousness using multiple Psychosomatic therapy and Shamanic techniques. Individual and group exercises, presentation of case studies, discussion and personal work opportunities are offered.
$555 per month
Simply put, a 'Djedi is a practitioner of the 'I Am' consciousness. The 'I Am' is also known as our entelechy -- our core, untampered with vibration. The term 'Dojo' can be translated to 'a place of The Way', or 'a place where enlightenment is gained'. The Djedi Dojo practice martial arts in such a way that it becomes impossible to become violent in the presence of a Djedi Master.
Join Reiki Master-Teacher Tony Holmes for a training on Energy Medicine. Usui Reiki Level 1 and 2 Attunements 3 and Master Teacher Attunements will be transferred over 90 days. Ordination to Djedi Circle is conferred at the end of the training. Certificates available for all attunements. Additional transmissions of Shamanic Reiki and Chakra Teachings. Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Energy Medicine Healing Techniques and Yogic Practices for teachers, healers, therapists, and laypeople will be taught and practiced.
Monthly Attunement Ritual Retreat
Weekly Modules
Monthly Coaching and Practice
Online Community
Unlimited Messaging for Support
Reiki 1
Reiki 2
Reiki Master
Reiki Master Teacher
Energy Anatomy and Diagnostics
Shamanic Ritual and Holographic Healing
The Art and Practice of Blessing & Protection
Love Magic and Manifestation
Tantra and Energy: Big Aura Energy
Pleasure Activism and Love Warriorship
90 day Ordination and Certification -- $1111
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